
Listed below are some handy utilities and websites for keeping your Mac in tip-top shape, and others that will simply make your Mac experience easier, and more enjoyable.


Growl A notification system for your Mac. It interfaces with several other programs to inform you things such as incoming email, application messages, etc. Highly customizable, and quite useful

iScroll 2 This handy little app adds two-finger scrolling capabilities to most newer Mac laptops. (Note: this functionality is already built into MacBook and MacBook Pro laptops.

iStumbler A wireless scanner that shows you all open and closed wireless networks within signal range of your computer.

Mactracker: Mactracker is a freeware application containing a complete database of all Apple Computer hardware except for the Apple I, the Apple II, and the Apple III. This includes all Macintosh hardware, all versions of Mac OS, cameras, iPods, AirPort, printers, scanners, startup chimes, death chimes and Macintosh clones.

Quicksilver A must have program that lets you launch applications with a few simple keystrokes. Saves repeated trips to the Applications folder, and helps to clear out your dock.

Yasu This simple one-click program runs a slew of cleanup routines and should be your first step when trying to fix basic OS or application issues. Run once a month for good measure.
















Apple Store: Apple's online store, where you can buy everything from Macs to iPods to printers.

Apple Support: Apple's official support site, which contains user forums and how-to guides to diagnose and fix just about any Macintosh problem under the sun. This should be your first stop when problems arise.

Digg Apple: Digg's Apple specific section. This site revolves around user submitted and reviewed stories, ensuring that only the most interesting and relevant content stays at the top.

Macworld: Macworld Magazine's official website, and your number one stop for everything from the latest Macintosh news, to digital camera buyers guides, to the latest software downloads.

MacSurfer: A conglomerate of Apple and general tech websites, ranging from news to product reviews to editorials on computer culture.

Mac-Forums: Forums are a great place to quickly get your questions answered, and meet like minded Mac minds. is very friendly and helpful for new users.

NewEgg: A great place to buy computer hardware and software alike. Their prices are very low, and their service is top notch. Highly recommended.

Version Tracker: VersionTracker, an online repository of all the latest versions of all your favorite Mac applications (and many that you never knew existed!). This is the place to go when you need to download an application, search for a new one, or update your current copy.

Google: Always a fantastic place to start!

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